The Indian Open-Source Software Platform for end-to-end Mobile Communication Networks (IOS-MCN) will accelerate the development and deployment of Mobile Communication (5G/6G) products and services by the vendors.
It is a collaboration between academia, government, and the Indian Telecom Ecosystem (vendors, service providers, companies, and startups) to leverage the global open-source ecosystem and establish a common forum for open source technology projects and solutions from India, by India.
The IOS-MCN Consortium provides a neutral, democratic, and trusted platform for the translation of 5G/6G innovation and research into commercially deployable Open Source software.
Open Ecosystem:
Open Source Ecosystem with global best practices, tools and learnings.
Industry Expertise:
Domain experts from various industry organizations to lead and drive
Structured Governance:
Systematic Governance model to facilitate the technology direction and open source ecosystem development
IOS MCN will enable vendors to rapidly use, customize, make derivative works from, and thereby create Mobile Communication (5G/6G and beyond) products and services with lower development cycles and higher competency.
Creating a Open-Source, 3GPP, and ORAN Compliant Mobile Communication software platform
Providing a commercial grade, common, and open software base for development of new services
Delivering an in-depth technical knowledge management system tailored for the industry’s use of the platform
IOS MCN welcomes new organisation members and partners!